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  • FM & TUV/GS Approved
  • Manufactured from chemically resistant Ryton & Brass
  • Used to safely moisten wipes, cleaning wipes etc. with solvent
  • Any surplus solvent drains back into the can

Handling Cans - Plunger Cans

5 Day Delivery
SKU Description Price (inc VAT)
10008 Capacity Litres: 0.5 litre
Diameter: 125
Height mm: 133
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10108 Capacity Litres: 2 litre
Diameter: 185
Height mm: 187
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10208 Capacity Litres: 1 litre
Diameter: 185
Height mm: 143
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10308 Capacity Litres: 4 litre
Diameter: 185
Height mm: 267
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