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  • FM & TUV/GS Approved
  • Cans up to 1 Litre have a trigger release handle & 7.5 Litres upwards have a swinging handle for easier carrying
  • Suitable for corrosive flammable liquids
  • Slip on PE funnel available for 7.5L cans & above - please call for details

Handling Cans - Type I Steel Cans

5 Day Delivery
SKU Description Price (inc VAT)
7120100Z Capacity Litres: 7.5
Diameter: 241
Height mm: 349
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7125100Z Capacity Litres: 9.5
Diameter: 298
Height mm: 292
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10001 Capacity Litres: 0.5
Diameter: 117
Height mm: 172
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7150100Z Capacity Litres: 19
Diameter: 298
Height mm: 429
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10101Z Capacity Litres: 1
Diameter: 117
Height mm: 210
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